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tab for a cause

Tab for a Cause

From the resources I’ve come across, there’s always this one simple and common product question that gets asked.

“What’s your favorite product?”

Usually, I would answer matter-of-factly that my favorite would be the smart phone – with just how powerful it is and how it’s changed a whole generation. But then, that’s such a normal answer. Everyone loves their smart phones. Give me something new to think about.

So that’s what I did. And I realized that my favorite product was right under my nose.

I’ve been using this extension for a while now. How I found out about it, I can’t exactly remember. It could’ve been when people were starting to share COVID resources and how to help out others, or it could’ve been before that.

Nevertheless, I’m here. I’m writing about it. And I think people should really start using it.

Tab for a Cause – A Simple Yet Impactful Product

That’s how I described it in my About page too.

The Gladly team was able to think up of an idea that helps fund different causes by just simply opening tabs. We all open tabs for whatever reason there is. It’s become part of our daily routine, and this is a good way to make the most out of it.

Tab for a Cause allows us to earn hearts to donate to the different charities currently being supported:

tab for a cause charity

The more hearts you earn, the better! You can choose how many hearts to donate to the causes that are near and dear to you.

The team is also transparent about what they’re doing, even sharing quarterly financial reports to let us know where all the donated “hearts” are going.

It’s actually a habit of mine to open tabs. My fingers just automatically go for the Ctrl + T keys for no reason at all. So even if there’s I don’t end up using a tab, it’ll add on to the hearts earned so it wasn’t for nothing.

As an added bonus, the backgrounds it shares are absolutely gorgeous! 😍

If you’re up to helping out, please sign up using this link. I get extra hearts to donate to the different charities! Share your link to your friends, too.

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