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First Product Kick-off

My First Product Kick-off

Time to get the ball rolling…

We finally got our team together and kicked off the project!

Although it wasn’t different from any other meetings I’ve been a part of, it was still quite nerve-wracking. I have nothing against meetings, but they will always be awkward situations for me… especially in this case.

This is the first time where I’d be acting as a product manager ever. It’s an ongoing learning process for me and I’m still finding my way around the ‘structure’ of product management. Knowing myself, I usually have very jumbled thoughts (even with an agenda written). We got there, eventually.

The product kick-off hit a few bumps because of that but we were able to get there and gather some ideas through Crazy 8s! It was still a bit all over the place after that. We ended up sleeping on it and refining it the day after.

Which brings me to my main takeaway from this activity:


My head was running with so many things surrounding the problem space, I kind of lost track of things. My team brought me back from that. Thank goodness!

They’ve been very understanding and helpful throughout all of this. I’m so excited to move this project along with them and their expertise ♥

With all that said – I think we have something we can start off with. And now, it’s on to the next steps 👀

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