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encountering project roadblocks

Encountering Project Roadblocks

It’s been a couple of weeks since my last product journey update. Suffice to say, I didn’t really have anything to talk about.

That’s because our productivity kind of went on, well… a standstill.

All the optimism I had at the very beginning went down the drain.

We’ve hit a major roadblock last week, having lost our developer (understandably so). And we’ve had to make compromises to the MVP, design, and development. Just everything as a whole had to be rethought so that we can meet the deadline.

In the midst of all of that, I had to learn to use a no-code platform as back-up, just in case we didn’t get a developer to come onboard. The whole concept might sound simple but it’s anything but. It was quite a learning curve for me (and I’m still learning), to be honest. I am very happy that I managed to have some things working in there.

No-code platforms are so fascinating. They have their limitations but they’re quite powerful too.

We did find a developer to join quickly after that whole situation. I had to scour Slack channels, and contact virtual strangers. I did get some developers interested but with the time constraint and their availability, they couldn’t commit.

Luckily, we found an experienced developer who’s very enthusiastic about the product, to the point that we’re already talking about the long-term vision. But that’s neither here nor there for the time being.

It’s been difficult to focus on this one simple thing, knowing that it’s not something we’d want to actually show.

Then again, I’m going what Y Combinator CEO, Michael Seibel, said in one of his talks:

Launch something bad… quickly.

That’s what’s really been tiding me over during this whole experience.

I do have some of my optimism back now. We’re getting things moving. At least we’ll have something in a week to show. It’s what matters for the time being.

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